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Our Mission
Friends in Solidarity is a collaborative ministry initiated by Institutes of Women and Men Religious in the United States supporting the people of Africa, especially South Sudan, through capacity building initiatives that include the training of teachers, health care professionals and pastoral teams. Compelled by the suffering of our African brothers and sisters, we are committed to raising awareness of their situation and working in collaboration with the Church in Africa as it accompanies, equips and empowers the people to create a sustainable future where their full human potential may be realized.
Our Vision
We envision a just and peaceful society in Africa built upon the values of collaboration, inclusivity and solidarity between and among peoples, cultures, generations and nations.
Friends in Solidarity…
… is an initiative of US Catholic religious men and women in support of religious working in South Sudan and beyond. It was incorporated as a not for profit in November 2015 as an outgrowth of interest in the work being done by Solidarity with South Sudan, a project begun by the International Union of Superiors General and the Union of Superiors General in Rome in response to a request of the Sudan Catholic Bishops Conference in 2006.
Model of Ministry
Solidarity with South Sudan espouses a unique model of ministry, one of collaboration between congregations of men and women with different charisms coming from a variety of countries. It is inspired by the call of the Congress on Consecrated Life – Passion for Christ, Passion for Humanity, held in Rome in 2005. The Congress invited religious to search for…
a new paradigm…..born of compassion for the scarred and downtrodden of the earth – around new priorities, new models of organization and open and flexible collaboration between men and women of goodwill.
Friends in Solidarity is inspired by this call and the collaborative model.
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Members of the Corporation
Sr. Mary Bourdon, RJM
Religious of Jesus and Mary, US Province
Rev. Ruffino Ezama, MCCJ
Comboni Missionaries
Rev. Raymond Finch, MM
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
Jeanette Gaudet, MFIC
Missionary Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception, US Province
Sr. Mary Jane Herb, IHM
Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
Sr. Rose Marie Jasinski, CBS
Congregation of Bon Secours of Paris
Sr. Charmaine Krohe, SSND
School Sisters of Notre Dame, Atlantic-Midwest Province
Mary Jane Lubinski, OP
Sr. Margaret Malone, SSND
School Sisters of Notre Dame, Atlantic-Midwest Province
Sr. Margaret Perron, RJM
Religious of Jesus and Mary
Rev. Lance Nadeau, MM
Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers
Ann Oestreich, IHM
Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP
Adrian Dominican Sisters
Sr. Irene Laurence, MFIC
Missionary Franciscans of the Immaculate Conception
Sr. Theresa Sandok, OSM
Servants of Mary
The Board of Directors
Mumbi Kigutha, CPPS
President and Chief Administrative Officer
Bridget Bearss
Board Member
Simone Blanchard
Board Member
Sandra Bell-Coles
Board Member
Br. Craig J. Franz, FSC
Chair of the Board
Camille Grippon
Board Member
Lawrence Lundi
Board Member
Eilis McCulough
Board Member
Photos of the Board

Br. Larry Lundin, SJ
Board Member

Brother Craig J. Franz, FSC
Chair of the Board

Sister Mūmbi Kīgūtha, CPPS
Ex officio/Staff

Sister Ann Oestreich, IHM
Board Member

Reverend John Sivalon, MM
Board Member