Make Your Donation Today!

Ways to Give

1. If you would like to make a donation from a Donor-Advised Fund, please use the form at the bottom.

2. If you would like to pay by check, please make the check payable to:
Friends in Solidarity, Inc
8737 Colesville Road, Suite 610
Silver Spring, MD 20910

3. If you would like to donate online, please choose from one of the suggested donation amounts or a custom amount below.

Thank you for your generosity. Your donation is tax deductible. Please consult your tax professional for more information. Friends in Solidarity's recent audit and Form 990 are available from the office. For questions or more information, please  contact

Thank You for Choosing to Make a Difference!

You can help make a difference. Here’s how your donations to FiS provide direct support to the people of South Sudan:

  • $30: Equip a student at Solidarity Teachers Training College (STTC) with the essential learning materials for a year.
  • $50: Support a future nurse or midwife at the Catholic Health Training Institute (CHTI) with the textbooks and materials needed for an entire year.
  • $45: Provide a household with a piglet in Riimenze, helping them become self-sufficient.
  • $100: Fund a week of education, including board and lodging, for a future teacher at STTC.
  • $1,000: Feed the Riimenze Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) community for a month or sponsor two months of education for a healthcare student at CHTI.

Your generosity, no matter the amount, fuels progress—training future leaders, feeding families, and promoting agriculture. Every dollar you give transforms lives and brings hope.

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