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Reflection: The Good Shepherd
In our fourth Sunday of Easter, we meditate on the beautiful words of Jesus Christ where he calls himself the Good Shepherd. (John 10:11-18). When talking of sheep or cattle in South Sudan, we think more of an open landscape, ...

Reflection: Bari Sacred Holy Week
What if the Bari Sacred Holy Week mirrored the Christian Holy Week Celebrations? The Bari is one of the 64 indigenous tribes of South Sudan. They occupy the center of the Central Equatorial State. Precisely, the defunct Jubek State with ...

‘Losing my heart’ in South Sudan
Sister Jacinta Prunty, a Holy Faith Sister of Ireland, recently made a three-year commitment as a volunteer tutor with Solidarity Teacher Training College, resigning from her job as a senior lecturer/associate professor in the Department of History at Maynooth University ...

Good Friday: Reflections on South Sudan
Text: Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM | Photos: Paul Jeffrey In Matthew’s Gospel, the Judgment of the Nations appears just before the passion narrative. Jesus speaks quite clearly about the actions necessary to enter the Kingdom: compassion for all humanity. “The ...

Gratitude: A Thanksgiving Poem
Gratitude for breathing Your Spirit in us for glorious dawning of each precious day Gratitude for where divine wisdom leads at every moment of life's journey Gratitude for holding our humanity in Your gentle hands of healing compassion Gratitude for ...

Good news from Good Shepherd Peace Center
First, I hope that all our friends, donors, and supporters reading this newsletter are OK and keeping safe. Never have we known a year like this! I suspect we are only just beginning to appreciate the effects of this "new ...

Friends in Solidarity welcomes Sister Barbara
Friends in Solidarity, Inc., is pleased to announce the addition of Sister Barbara Buckley, RSM to the staff as associate administrative officer. "Barbara sees her work with Friends in Solidarity as an opportunity to use her fundraising, writing, and administrative ...

Update on STTC remote learning
The students of Solidarity Teacher Training College are unable to attend classes in person, but that has not stopped them from learning. The school's remote learning program using smart phones continues, with staff members providing virtual instruction from Italy, Ireland ...

Independence Day in South Sudan
South Sudan enters its 10th year of independence on July 9. On this date in 2011, hope in the promise of this new nation was bright as the people emerged from decades of civil war. Ethnic discord, however, is not ...