South Sudan is a very rich and fertile land, which is why it must be safeguarded by learning how to use its resources in an ethical and sustainable way. In the face of the global threat of climate change, we at the Sustainable Agriculture Project of Riimenze (SAP) are at the forefront of efforts to transform all agriculture in South Sudan to agroforestry, a challenge that requires a lot of support to meet the necessary resources.
The main tool we use is local awareness-raising and knowledge dissemination through monthly radio talk shows and workshops targeting farming communities.
The dissemination of sustainable farming techniques allows us to educate communities on environmental protection: we use crop rotation, mulches, fertilizers and organic pesticides to improve crop yields and quality while respecting nature. We also plant trees in the demonstration farm and distribute seeds and some seedlings to beneficiaries.
Another example of how our activities contribute to environmental protection is the implementation and adoption of energy-efficient cooking cookers for rural households. The improved stoves use less firewood than the traditional three-stone open fire.
Br. Joseph Mammah, SAP Principal
Elias Kubayo, SAP Project Manager