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South Sudan: 12 years of independence
Sunday, July 9 is the 12th anniversary of the vote for independence for South Sudan. This 18-minute video from DW News Africa, a German public broadcasting channel, offers an insightful look at the current situation in South Sudan ...
In memory of Lillian Trillo
Friends in Solidarity would like to pay tribute to a longtime supporter, Lillian Trillo. A registered nurse with a background in public health, Lillian was a former member and associate of the Sisters, Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, ...
Community development in Riimenze
The Sustainable Agriculture Project of Riimenze (SAP) activities contribute to the community resilience and development of the local population through awareness creation and knowledge transfer. The awareness is raised through group meetings with beneficiaries and radio talk shows to the ...
Transforming agriculture in Riimenze
South Sudan is a very rich and fertile land, which is why it must be safeguarded by learning how to use its resources in an ethical and sustainable way. In the face of the global threat of climate change, we ...
Ecological spirituality at CHTI
The Catholic Health Training Institute (CHTI) is a privileged place where we tangibly touch the mystery and beauty of God’s creation. CHTI is a “paradise,” as some visitors say. In our campus, we are surrounded by trees, flowers and rich ...
Embracing Laudato Sì at STTC
The Environmental Club has been present and valued at Solidarity Teacher Training College (STTC) Yambio since the college began. At the beginning of 2023, after strengthening our commitment to reflection and action, we discovered the Laudato Sì Movement and its ...
Response to the cry of the poor
For many years now, our Catholic community in the UN Camp in Malakal, South Sudan, has been a sign of unity for over 42,000 displaced people since the civil war of 2013. From the very beginning, our camp was composed ...
Sustainable lifestyles at CHTI
Catholic Health Training Institute is a green, clean and environmental friendly campus, the flora and fauna around us evidently convey the same. The farm garden within the campus, where we cultivate vegetables, fruit trees and other edible plants for the ...
Ecological economics: Message from Fr. Jim
Conflict in South Sudan has been in the headlines for decades. We think of civil war, ethnic struggles and stalled peace processes. Sometimes the conflict is very intense, other times it occurs at "sub national" levels, away from the camera ...