New Wine, New Skins: Request from Bishops of Sudan Leads to Capacity Building Ministry
Today’s Scripture reading challenges us to move out of our settled ways and see the new that is emerging all around us.
There are those among us who say “the old is good,” why should we change? They cling to what they have always done, even when there are few signs of hope.
Today, we see that something new is “in the air.” What? We are not quite sure. The old ways of being and doing cannot contain the new that is emerging. There is a call for something new. Trying something new, even if it fails, is an act of hope in the future.
When the Bishops of Sudan, in 2004, came to the religious of the world represented by the International Unions of Superiors General in Rome, seeking help for capacity building in South Sudan, it seemed as if they were calling on us for a new approach to ministry among the poor and war-torn of our world.
The Congress on Religious of 2004 had recently concluded and the challenge to religious was to work more collaboratively, men with women, reaching out to the marginalized of our world. Religious leaders viewed the call from the bishops in the light of the call of the Congress and decided to approach the challenges in South Sudan in a collaborative manner. New ministry, new paradigm! The first contingent of religious men and women went to South Sudan in 2006.
Today there are 28 Solidarity team members in South Sudan, men and women religious, representing 17 congregations and 14 countries working with the laity in building the capacity of South Sudanese as teachers, nurses, midwives, farmers and pastoral teams. The context in which they work these days is one of violence and ethnic strife. And still they stay, signs of hope among a beleaguered people.
Won’t you join us in creating something new out of the chaos that surrounds us? Donate to support those who have taken on this ministry. Support the training of a student to become a teacher, nurse or midwife. Be a part of the rebuilding of this war-torn nation.
South Sudan Needs Your Help
The South Sudan conflict continues to threaten the lives of many innocent people. With your generousity, you can make a difference. Please consider making a tax deductible donation in support of Solidarity peacebuilding initiatives.
To help the people suffering in South Sudan, please visit: